"HP High Court Rejects Consumers' Claim of Vested Right Over Subsidy on Electricity Bills"
The High Court of HP in Kundlas Loh udyog and others versus Himachal Pradesh Electricity Board Limited and another CWP No 12178 of 2024 a/w connected matters rejected the pleas of the petitioners mainly industries were that when the government of HP had agreed to provide subsidy to the consumer under section 65 of the Electricity Act, 2003 before the HP Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) while issuing the tariff order for Financial Year 2024-25, the government cannot take u turn and withdraw the subsidy in the mid of the year. notably, the GoHP has withdrawn the subsidy which was agreed to be paid in the tariff i.e. ARR of the HP DISCOM, keeping in view the financial health of the state of economy of the HP, resultantly the tariff of the industrial consumers was increased by Rs 1/per Unit of energy. initially the court gave interim reliefs to the petitioners and stayed the operation of the order of the withdr...